Sylvain Jamois has picked up many delicious recipes in his time as a chef, including a stint at London’s Moro restaurant, and insists this is the easiest, quickest, most impressive chocolate pot he’s found. His only watch out is to make it before your guests arrive so they don’t feel cheated that you spent so little time and effort on their pudding.

Melt the chocolate in a microwave or heatproof bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Take off the heat.
Add the hot water (you can use the water from the bain-marie) to the chocolate and vanilla. The water must be added slowly and gradually to avoid the chocolate splitting. Add the whipping cream – the texture should be like that of crème anglaise. Pour straight into espresso cups and leave to set in a cool part of the kitchen for at least 45 minutes before serving.
Why not try varying the chocolate flavour by using one bar of dark (70% cocoa solids) and one bar of Milk, Ginger or Maya Gold chocolate instead?
The time quoted above is an estimate of the time needed until the recipe is ready to eat, allowing for preparation, baking and resting.
As you might expect from Green & Black's, this recipe is indulgent and should be enjoyed as a treat..